



The most beautiful metro in the World.

Is it just a giant 305 km subway network with 185 stations, 8.5 million passengers a day amazing capacity public transportation in every 90 seconds, a NBC resistant bomb shelter, a film plato for many movies, vanity for all the muscovites? No but IT S THE BIGGEST ART GALLERY OF THE WORLD.

Check the photos and decide yourself please.

Latest progresses.

Senator Jon Kyl

43 U.S. Republican senators informed U.S. President Barack Obama in a letter they would resist any attempt to limit U.S. missile defense capabilities. But the problem is not these senators. No matter if they can prevent or accept Obama to limit missile defense capabilities, this progress shows it can not be a way to convince an American leader for Russia. Russia HAVE TO solve the problem itself by developing a revolutionary new technologies and cutting-edge concepts in it's defence arsenal. For now Russian missles including nuclear ones are just the only fuse of it's and even world's security. Russia has mostly out of date and ineffective very old Soviet weaponry and they are far from to counterbalance American power. There is already an asymmetric balance of military powers enough in the world even though with Russian ICBMs in use. U.S. missile defense system will make them out of use and spoil all the balance. It can be dangerous not only for Russia but also for the World and even the USA itself. Theoretically a future American president may feel himself as the sovereign king of the World and may try to rule the World like Hitler tried. Even now there are dangerous signs at World security. Notice please, more wars and riots appeared after Soviet Union's collapse. The World became a less secure planet with single pole. During the 6 day Russian-Georgian war over S.Ossetia in 2008 my wife got very upset and told me "I know some Georgians. My best friend was a Georgian girl in the first school. They were good people, There was no hostility, we grown up together as Soviet children. I can not beleive what happened to us?"


Have an idea about Russian winter.

Something extraordinary!

Even it was much colder and snowy years ago before the Global Warming. I have witnessed -22 C daytime and -34 C night time minimum but these are never minimum for Russia. The record should be something -70 C. Your nose runs non stop and ears get frozen. It s a feeling like burning. But the advantage is it s usually not windy in Russia. Even these extreme colds dont make you feel cold so much but just the worst thing happens to your hands if you dont wear a glove even for a moment. 

This is GAZ 51

Gorki Avto Zabod is one of the main figures of Soviet-Russian car industry. It s more than a car producer, it s a part of Russian destiny and also it has taken part a portion n Russian destiny. This model is a small truck but very successful. It appeared just after the war as a victory gift. Actually was designed before the end of the war. First prototypes appeared in 1944 but mass prodoction started at end of 1940s. It has been a very long period producing vehicle till end of 1980s. But it deserves to be producing 40 years. Very reliable car, quite strong and popular. It has a 3500 cc I6 70 hp. petrol engine. It was not a 4x4 but could work on any terrain from highway to off road. Medium size with a 2,5 metric tons payload.

I learned driving on this truck. I know it s a bit unusual. My uncle had a GAZ 51 and he taught me to drive. His name was Kadri and was my mom's senior brother. He had never been married and was quite old. He was living with us as my mom, my dad, me and him for long period and loved me. I had a great interest for cars since my childhood and he allowed me to try to drive it in empty fields. I was in frist school I think 12 years old or something like that when I drove it first time. And I remember some Russian writings in his car with Cyrill alphabet seemed to me very interesting and mysterious. I remember I felt sympathy for Russia even then despite the poisining effect of cold war on us as a NATO member. As Turkish people we knew Russians as our enemies are very bad and strange people under the cutthroat negative propaganda about them. It was a remarkable PR job against Russia, even there was a preverb of "Communists may come this winter." to pump a fear to the people.

So my uncle carried every kind of loads, furnitures, metal hardware, sand, bricks but mostly woods and coals since 1970 to 1991. Those days the number of appartments with a heating system were still very few and most of the buildings were heated by stoves in flats. People had to buy wood and coal to burn in their flat and my uncle had a friend named Kazim. He had a field and brought woods from forrests and sold them to people. This business was quite popular in Turkey then. My uncle waited in his place and helped Kazim's clients to carry the woods to their homes while his own trucks were busy. There was a rumor about Kazim that he stole woods from people by measuring less. I dont know if it was truth or not but he became very rich soon. My uncle's truck was 1961 model year and he bought it from that Kazim as second hand. The vehicle's the only one problem as a typical problem of all Russian cars the cooling system. It caused problems with Turkey's climate up to 35 degrees in summers.

Not the truck but he got old and ill by the begining of 1990s and sold it in 1991 while it still could work very well. But GAZ 51 remains in my heart familiar as a warm memory.


Fight to have catastrophe.

There were a lot of topics I planned to write but this is very important and recent event the elections. And I postponed all the others.

Please click to see an unexpected negative effect

Apparently finaly it has come Russian spring expected by west. But my Russian friends comment so, it has been just a Russian tradition to protest all the winners of elections. It s neighter a revolution nor evolution but just a kind of Russian habit since Soviet Union. Anyway I watch the protests which have a potential to be transformed riots. Sure I dont have a right of to say something about Russia's destiny as I am not a Russian citizen yet. I can not claim any idea to Russian people to do but just let them be sure of my goodwill. I just try to comment my observations and I hope they will be helpful for Russians to achieve better days. Nowdays some people complain of alleged frauds and irregularities at elections. They claim that the elections were not fair. Or perhaps they have difficulties to accept the results of something when they lost and so they try to ignore the results. Putin promises to order to investigate all the claims about the elections. It seems not so realistic a person will order for a serious investigation about the claims agaist himself if realy they have been done some irregularities on his demand. Normaly he would try to hide them if some frauds have done in his knowlege. Now I am afraid after these investigations he still may not be able to convince the opposition. They may continue to have doubts about the elections. In any case I understand such kind of activists who really beleive the elections were not fair and there were some frauds. They just beleive that they fight for thier rights and justice. However they need some evidences to sound such a serious claim, theoricaly I agree with them.

“Let Journalists Return to Their Families!”

But as far as I can see they are not the all of the content of protester groups. It seems to me, another group involves the demonstrations for political revenge or benefit. I mean looser rivals of Vladimir Putin and banished former ministers. I think though if they were ruler before the elections they probably would not accept elections with a Putin victory and dispute the elections which they held themselves.

There is one more group in demonstrations.