An Russian made Superjet 100 crashed in Jakarta on Wednesday. I am very sorry for the victims and share the pain of families of the victims. Of course loosing of human lifes are more important and worse than everything else but this fatal accident will have negative effects to Russian aero industry remainings. Especially on the ongoing SSJ 100 program. Nowdays Sukhoi has great efforts on marketin this new plane. They have already started negotiations for sales deals with some countries like India, Pakistan, Vietnam and Indonesia. This incident may destruct the trust to the new model despite the reality of very popular model Boeing 737 series have much more accidents with lethal results.
Actually there were signals of such a disaster weeks ago. Take a look at this early news please.
Ironically the reality was a shame for Russians, now rescues them from a negative image for the country’s technologic capacity. Sukhoi Super Jet 100 is in fact a Russian alleged western plane. Russians have not been able to make a new pessenger airliner model is completely Russian after Ilyushin 96 which was designed in Soviet era. Russian Federation; they are as you know them, can not produce even Lada cars without “French help.”
This is a chart below about the compenents of the plane.
Who says it s a Russian plane