Russians and children.
I was searching for the famous cartoon Masha and Medved for
my daughter in internet and meet with a part of the series. You may watch it in
youtube at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=81isNQ2FV-0
Masha as always was dangerous, capricious and impertinent brat. And Medved as
an ideal Russian parent defended her and confront all the reactions, complainings from
everybody about her. He was trying to convince everybody that she should not be
accused and responded for her acts.
I see examples also in Antalya
among Russian families during holidays. I also witnessed this in many Russian
families in Russia. Probably this is why there are so many problems about Russian adopted kids in the USA. Russian kids are not used to dicipline and it seems unfamiliar to them, even perhaps "strange and boring."
The kids are the master and the boss of the family. Often adults
ask for permission from kids to do something. Kids decide what to do. Adults
deny their duty to teach the kids the correct and wrong. They ignore the
fundamental rule, parents care and feed and kids respect in response. They
become a figure unnecessary to respect in kid’s eyes. When they accept to be
considered as disrespectful those kids don’t feel any necessity to behave
correctly to be respectful in their future. They have a lesson from their
childhood, their parents did not demand and expect to be respected.
It is considered children can do everything and all should
be tolerated and ignored even if they do something extremely wrong. They are
small and have a right to do everything-anything. PArents just must put up. Russians consider parents should not say "no" and should not ban anything to do to kids. No discipline. Adults consider children can do anything and parents have to okay and then repair all the negative results. Instead of to stop kids from the begining they later try to overcome troubles as results of kid's acts.
And the results.
Thousands of Russian women work as sex workers abroad in almost
all countries and all the rest try to leave and betray Russia by making marriages with
Dutch police can beat Russian diplomats in Netherlands as nobody respects and afraids Russia in the
Dear Russians do you still think you grow up children correctly with a
illimitable tolerance?!?!
An update.
It has appeared a necessity for an extra explaining what I meant. These I observe are just statistical facts about society. So they are social problems as the results of humans's acts. Not something inadvertent like geographical or natural problems. Some problems about Russian public. It s very Russia is such a great and wonderfull country with an amazing capacity for everything suffers for such problems. You can be much better and you can do much bettern Russians. I love Russia and it is my dream to have its citizenship one day. It has a wonderful nature, history and culture, high technical and scientific capacity, clever and talent people, a fascinating art heritage, unbelievable success in sports and an advanced civilization overall. The results had to be much better. You should have a much better life and higher life standarts. You have everything actually, natural sources, industry, human sourves and enough money. Some other countries with much modest sourcescan have much better conditions, better life standarts. Sure I have more expectations form Russia. Only 3. th World countries are expected to have such defects. I love Russia and I dont want to see it so bad. The leader of those bandits Klitschko cries in Kiev "We want a better Ukraine. Modern, like the E.U. not like Russia." And unfortunatelly he is right in his observation at comparison.
If Russia has such problems which can be prevented easily in fact, it sould be a problem with its people's acts. And it means parents must grown up the kids better.
If Russia has such problems which can be prevented easily in fact, it sould be a problem with its people's acts. And it means parents must grown up the kids better.
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