Syrian president Assad had had chemical weapons for decades but he never tried to use them but if this lady (who is a hero for the double faced west) had such mass destruction weapons she would never think for a moment before using them against Russians she says.
Crimea has finally finished its suffer to be apart from the motherland and could be integrate into Russia this week. A historical event.
But the West denies it with a claim the referendum was not legitimate.
Very interesting, very strange........ They consieder the current administration in Kiev as legitimate though they came into power even not with a election but with a coup by some armed militants. Western capitals as a chorus say they were Ukrainian people in Euromaidan and recent Kev administration represent Ukraine. But there is a great problem. The number in Euromaidan was about 200.000 not 42.000.000 as Ukrainian population. If the desire of 200.000 should be considered in a future of whole country what will we do with 2.000.000 votes of Crimeans and so much people took place in demonstrations not only in Crimea but also in Kharkov, Lugansk and Donetsk. West in a difficult position in consciences of people all over the world by its famous "double standarts" once more.
One more their paradox is that V. Yanukovich was elected by fair and free elections. It was confirmed by international observers and no western goverment disclaimed the results of that election then.
In Kiev poeple wanted to regime change and it is their right........
But what are these people, Russian humanoid in the videos? Why should we ignore their will?
The west says it protects rights of 42 million people while violating 147 million.
They are about 12% of Crimean population. Especially Turey and other western countres use them in geopolitic power games. Tatars make caprice and they refused to go to the polls in the referendum. They non stop bemoan to be banished to central Asia in Stalin era in 1944. But they dont like to talk about the reason, to make cooperation with Nazis and betray their country. I invite you think on it objectively and logically. Why Stalin decided to sent them to an area was out of the war at that moment while he strongly needed manpower in the western front. You may like him or hate but it is certain that he did everything for hix country to win the war. Would not he prefer to use so much men as soldiers against Germans in the front?
And they support neo nazis in Kiev today.
The west says.
If Tatars boycott the elections so that election was invalid. 12% can block the desire of 88%.
It is bad, illegal and unacceptable if Russian army to be used to stabilize a region millions of Russian live but only we have such a right as NATO to interfere even remote parts of the world though without any of our citizans, to invate there for years like Afghanistan, Libya, Iraq and Yugoslavia.
Kosova is a special case because it is at our side.
Referendum results in Crimea is invalid despite it was accompanied by international observers and their reports indicat there were no fraud.
The most loved persons for me, my wife and my daughter are women.
It s the only day is about both of them and can be celabrated commonly.
Dear my beloved wife though you ban me to love you, to be with you I still love you very much. And I love our daughter so much by this truth. Whereas if I did not love you, I could not love her too with consciousness she is a part of you. On the contrary it just boosts my love to her to know this. She is a small miracle for me as the only thing to be part of you accessible for me. I embrace her, touch her, pet her, kiss her as you in addition.