Bans on religious symbolic are aimed at instilling peace between various confessions, but it is the atheists, not the believers, who are irritated by such symbols, Ilarion said. I completely agree with him as a Moslim. The symbols of other religions never disturb me but on the contrary I feel respect and sympathy to other believers as the members of a different way to walk to the God. When I got marry with a Russian lady I strongly confronted to all the negative commonts about the religion difference from including my relatives.
RIA Novosti reports, metropolitan Ilarion, who is the chief of the foreign ecclesiastical relations department at the Moscow patriarchate said “The godless liberal ideology dominant in many Western countries does not just harm religions, it targets such foundations of human existence as family values.”
But on the other hand there is one more very important point in the second part of the news, that the high rank represantatives of religions should be cleaner than usual people to hold the image of the religion at high altitude, to give a feeling of trust and reliability. There should be nothing negative, even a very small doubt about them. They have a too heavy responsibility on their shoulders in this respect. An ordinary member of a church is just one drop but may cause whole the water to look dirty if he is considered muddy. In this regard Islam has an advantage and is protected, because any religion-connected person can not represent Islam by holding a full othorized title. All the people are responsible to the God directly and personally. Nobody can represent the entire religion personally and there is no holly person except the prophet. Everybody is alone and equal in front of the God. So if an imam does something bad, it s bad just for him as his sin. But if a Pope or Patriarch exists with an entitlement to be a kind of connection between people and the God, people should believe he is very decent and has perfect and sin protected character. Otherwise they may hesitate to accept his guidance and authority with doubts of he is also a sinner. As far as I can know him, Patriarch Kirill seems to me very good and correct. Many cases when I read news about his opinions on some subjects I completely agree with him. My opinion is he is very good and correct as a Patriarch and also as a person. But recently they appeared some claims about him, some discussions on him basically with an idea that his life is too luxury for his incomes. About his alleged very expensive watch and his apartment in Moscow and a lawsuit demanding 20 million rubles from another priest, his neighbor, who allegedly ruined Kirill’s collection of old books during repairs in his own apartment. As myself I never believe he took bribe or did something illegal to earn more. In my opinion he has ideas and opinions of a very good person about all the subjects he speaks. And also he already has a amazing power and prestige over any amount of money. He never needs to aim more and more money in his position. To criticize him over such things is childish and foolish. But somebody may try to shadow him as a respond of his alleged support to Putin. Friendly I would like to warn all Russians and Orthodox believers to be awaken against political games trying to use even their holly values.
RIA Novosti reports, metropolitan Ilarion, who is the chief of the foreign ecclesiastical relations department at the Moscow patriarchate said “The godless liberal ideology dominant in many Western countries does not just harm religions, it targets such foundations of human existence as family values.”
But on the other hand there is one more very important point in the second part of the news, that the high rank represantatives of religions should be cleaner than usual people to hold the image of the religion at high altitude, to give a feeling of trust and reliability. There should be nothing negative, even a very small doubt about them. They have a too heavy responsibility on their shoulders in this respect. An ordinary member of a church is just one drop but may cause whole the water to look dirty if he is considered muddy. In this regard Islam has an advantage and is protected, because any religion-connected person can not represent Islam by holding a full othorized title. All the people are responsible to the God directly and personally. Nobody can represent the entire religion personally and there is no holly person except the prophet. Everybody is alone and equal in front of the God. So if an imam does something bad, it s bad just for him as his sin. But if a Pope or Patriarch exists with an entitlement to be a kind of connection between people and the God, people should believe he is very decent and has perfect and sin protected character. Otherwise they may hesitate to accept his guidance and authority with doubts of he is also a sinner. As far as I can know him, Patriarch Kirill seems to me very good and correct. Many cases when I read news about his opinions on some subjects I completely agree with him. My opinion is he is very good and correct as a Patriarch and also as a person. But recently they appeared some claims about him, some discussions on him basically with an idea that his life is too luxury for his incomes. About his alleged very expensive watch and his apartment in Moscow and a lawsuit demanding 20 million rubles from another priest, his neighbor, who allegedly ruined Kirill’s collection of old books during repairs in his own apartment. As myself I never believe he took bribe or did something illegal to earn more. In my opinion he has ideas and opinions of a very good person about all the subjects he speaks. And also he already has a amazing power and prestige over any amount of money. He never needs to aim more and more money in his position. To criticize him over such things is childish and foolish. But somebody may try to shadow him as a respond of his alleged support to Putin. Friendly I would like to warn all Russians and Orthodox believers to be awaken against political games trying to use even their holly values.
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