


To provide social rest.

Since ancient ages it has been believed unnecessary unrest, holiganism and anarchy with young ladies are usually connected with unsatisfied over sexual desires.

The world is passing through difficult days recently. With public unrest everywhere. Police is pressed between to prevent some unrest and to avoid of using asymmetrical power. In most cases authorities of cities have difficulties to set a balance between to provide public order and not to violate human rights. They try to aviod to use bloody methods. But in some cases there may be easier to find a piecefull way with some rioters. The sollution might be even pleasant for the protesters.

Some terrible attacks even agaist holly figures demanding lethal acts may be done by famous naked Ukrainian ladies. Somebody may consider it includes human rights. Well, does not patriarch have a right not to be disturbed? To be treated respectfully. Is not it their human rights millions of his believers demand respect to their religious leader and their holly cathedral not to climb to make politics under a cover of music?

Very interesting they may demand to kill a person freely, without any investigation and punishment but believers can not demand respect to holly objects. They may encourage and call somebody to kill the head of a main sect of Christianity. Is not it an attempt to connive at a crime?

One more question mark about FEMEN is the finance. It should be expensive to conduct demonstrations as a team in a different cities of the world almost every month. I wonder who finance them for all expences on transportation, accomodation and equipments?

They are in Istanbul.

Counter demonstrations in Istanbul.
In the pancartes it s written in Turkish "No indecency. Stupid ladies need to disrobe." It s difficult to deny their opinion. 99,99999% of activists are not nude globally. They dont need to take off the clothes and exhibit their bare meat to take attention. I think they consider they are clever and their matters they claim are right enough to convince public without help of perversity. They should have self confidence enough. They are aware of correct ideas are created by high level of intelligence and it request not naked bodies but good brains. But FEMEN should think nobody would pay attention to them if they are not naked. Or perhaps they are paid by somebody to cause unrest.
Nowadays even rioted pussies exist. Many people mostly in the west struggle for freedom for them. It s shocking. There is such a crime is identified in Russian laws. They conducted an ACT which is an attack to faith of beleivers. They refused to respect the holly items of millions of Orthodox in Russia. Who gave them such a right to ignore the rights, requirements and sensitivities of those millions? If it will start not to punish the crimes, all the other criminals may demand also such exceptions.
How can west talk about freedoms? Anybody backs the west has no right to be seemed like supporting the freedoms. In Germany I dont have a right to have a rhetoric deny the holocost. Yes it happened. But no one has a right to have a different idea. French parliament tried to make a new law punishing to ignore Armenian genocide. In America own people are being observed by drones. Your all tracks on internet can be pursued and investigated by goverment. Dozens of people are captured from streets of different cities of diffirent countries and brought to Gauntanamo. Even Obama promised to close it 4 years ago. Those people are kept in a terrible prison even without any trial for up to years. Some of them have been released when it was understood they were not terrorists after their trials after years in that hell. Nobody knows how many of them are innocent in fact. How many innocent people, kids, ladies died with American bullets in Afghanistan, Iraq, Vietnam and many other places of the world? Now Russia is criticized about Pussy Riot case among such extreme human rights violations. Which freedom the west is talking about? The effects of poisonous western cultural invention is the number one threat for all -real free- world publics including Russia.
I am a Moslim but I never even imagine to disrespect agaist Christianity or Judaism. I live in Russia and I have always been very respectfull to religious symbols.
It s a legal and moral crime they did. Human rights means the rights to do something which is only does not disturb to any other person. Not to challenge millions of people and their most important values. To abuse the holly values of millions of people is an offence and attack and it s very very ugly and awful.

The last moment about them

An elderly woman and her daughter have been found dead in the Volga city of Kazan under a “Free Pussy Riot” slogan was written in English at the crime scene, on their apartment wall, presumably in blood.
The victims are a 76 y.o. woman and her 38 y.o. daughter, who lived together.
Their murderer supporters wrote this with the victims' blood.

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