Those Japanese monsters did it again in Taiji.
They slaughter innocent dolphins for pleasure annually and say it is a tradition.
But where is Greenpeace in this scene? Are they busy by angaging to struggle Russian oil platforms in the arctic? Recently we saw how was he right in his predictions while Mr. Putin said it would be the key region the Arctic in next years. He ordered to form some military formations in the arctic and reestablish some military facilities and bases in the following years. But the threat is not always direct military challenge. Cowards may approach you like a friend under a good looking decorative cover sometimes. It s a post modern way of offensive and aggression recently western colonizers and imperialists prefer to use some civil NGO looking networks. So the attack might be domestic or international allegedly has a social benefit purpose.
Today in a photo in the internet there were US and UK flags at Ukrainian street fighter opposition members' barricades.
Remember Greenpeace attacked to Russian oil platform and the team members had been detanied by Russian coast guard forces. An international clamour conducted and all the Greenpeace activists (or militants) had been granted a pardon in a few weeks. There was no oil spill and no any kind of threat for the environment by the Russian platform. But they were strongly against if Russia earns money by exporting oil.
Please look at the photos below and check the videos about this massacre and tell me frankly if should not it disturb them much more normally? But dont forget Japan is the number one US ally in the region especially when power balance with China is so important nowadays.
Check it in Youtube
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