


Look how Americans lose face when they desperately try to maintain their double standards.

They are allegedly the defenders of freedom of expression and free press. But only when it is against their opponents not allies.

And this is the reason:

Secret U.S. diplomatic cables published by the WikiLeaks website reveal that most of the 200 U.S. tactical nuclear weapons based in Europe are located in Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany and Turkey.

NATO spokeswoman Oana Lungescu told VOA the leaking of any classified information, diplomatic or military, was "illegal, irresponsible and dangerous".

She declined to say anything further, saying that as a matter of policy NATO did not comment on classified information.

Everything is O.K. and legitimate when it works for American interests and allies are free for any act.



Russia: As it looks from Moslim world.

Второе обращение к Крымским татарамPrintE-mail
News Current Events
Friday, 26 Jamadil Awal 1435
[Russian translation of Second Message to Tatar Muslims in Crimea.]
Ассаляму алейкум!
Я приветствую вас, мои крымско-татарские братья и сестры, в один из самых критических моментов вашей печальной и мучительной истории, чтобы предложить вам мой добрый совет, основанный на предписаниях Священного Корана.
Если вы ищете руководство в других источниках, помимо Священного Корана, и если на затруднительную ситуацию в Крыму вы отвечаете действиями, неразрешенными Всевышним Аллахом, то вам предстоит заплатить высокую цену за подобную ошибку. В этом случае, вам не стоит рассчитывать на поддержку ваших братьев и сестер в исламе в разных частях света.

Те, кто критикует русских крымчан за их моральный и легитимный выбор возвращения в Россию, проявляют нечестность по отношению к странному поступку Советского Союза подарить территорию Крыма Украине в 1954 году (через 6 лет после создания государства Израиль) без согласия людей, проживающих в Крыму и в России. Фактически, израильских сионистов руками большевиков нанесли удар России в спину. И это не первый раз, когда они поступили подобным предательским, антироссийским способом.
Премьер-министр и правительство Турции по собственной воле пренебрегли приказу Аллаха не брать в друзья и союзники (и, следовательно, изыскивать финансовую и военную помощь) таких иудеев и христиан, которые являются друзьями и союзниками друг другу (Коран, Сура Трапеза, 51). На протяжении всей истории такой иудо-христианский союз не имел места до тех пор, пока западные христиане (включая римскую католическую церковь) и европейские евреи странным образом не объединились вместе в сионистское движение.
Именно этот иудо-христианский сионистский союз создал, укреплял и защищал Израил, который сейчас нацелен управлять всем миром, включая и умму пророка Мухаммада (мир ему и благословение Аллаха).
В Священном Коране сказано «если кто-либо из вас (мусульман) обратиться к ним (т.е. иудеям и христианам, которые друзья и союзники друг другу), то он сам один из них».Другими словами, если мусульмане Крыма примут помощь, оружие или деньги от США, Израиля, Моссад, Турции, Саудовской Аравии и т.д. для безбожной войны против России в Крыму, они перестанут быть мусульманами (Сура Трапеза, 51).
НАТО является военной рукой иудо-христианского сионисткого союза, следовательно, Священный Коран запрещает мусульманам быть членами НАТО. Заблудшая Турция не только является членом НАТО, но и была верным его помощником в осуществлении переворота в Ливии (и пыталась сделать то же самое в Сирии).
Правители Саудовской Аравии были верными союзниками этого иудо-христианского союза еще до создания государства Саудовской Аравии. Поэтому, дружба и союз с правителями Саудовской Аравии (кого пророк Мухаммад (мир ему и благословение Аллаха) назвал карн шайтан – рог шайтана) также запрещено, но предатели, которые сейчас управляют Пакистаном, продались саудовским чековым книжкам.
Я ожидаю, что израильский Моссад и ЦРУ, и их раболепные сатрапы Саудовская Аравия, Турция, Пакистан т.д. теперь будут подстрекать крымских татар на вооруженное восстание против России. Они предложат оружие, военную подготовку или деньги, также как они это уже делают в Сирии и других местах для совершения антироссийских актов террора в Крыму. Если вы отвергните Коран и будете следовать заблуждению, результатом будет полное поражение. Вам придется бежать на Украину, и вы никогда больше не увидите Крым. Это станет еще большей трагедией, чем та, которую вы испытали при Сталине.
Если сионисты увидят вашу неготовность воевать против России, они совершат акты террора, в котором обвинят невинных крымских мусульман. И если вы убедительно не осудите террор, то вас посчитают виновными и, в конечном счете, сионисты окажутся в выигрыше.
Мои дорогие татарские братья и сестры в Исламе, пожалуйста, поймите, что мы живем в Последнюю Эпоху (Ахиру Ззаман), в которой исламский мир будет союзником с Румом (т.е. Россией и ее союзниками) как предрек наби Мухаммад (мир ему и благословение Аллаха). Это произойдет, хотите вы этого или нет. И только вам выбирать, быть на верной или неверной стороне истории. Мир в ожидании вашего выбора. Пусть Аллах направит вас к выбору, которым Он будет доволен и который спасет вас от поражения. Амиин!
С любовью, Имран Н. Хосейн из Куала Лумпура, Малайзия


Fundamental American tool of sabotage to Russia has been revealed again.

They will never give up, they try it once more.

The opposition coalition Solidarity has submitted a request for a major march against the authorities’ anti-crisis measures on March 1. Moscow City Hall is yet to grant approval for the rally.
The news about the application was reported by one of Solidarity’s key activists, Sergey Davidis. He told Interfax the event would be named simply ‘Spring’ and the maximum turnout is estimated at 100,000. The main objective of the march is to express discontent with the anti-crisis program of the authorities, Davidis elaborated.

And my previous post about it in 2012: 


You are not confused, you are just clever and honest Neil.

I strongly advice Neil Clark's  perfect article from his "I am confused" series on RT.

NATO Pushes for War by Encircling Russia - French Newspaper

From Sputnik ınternational:

Getting involved in Ukraine would provide NATO with raison d'être and justify its existence and billions of dollars spent on military defense.
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) desperately wants to get involved in the Ukrainian conflict, French newspaper Le Point reports.


Do they look triumphant?

Western block v.s. Russia.

I am so sorry to wake you up from sweet dreams.

The US dreams has cornered Russia with sanctions and has isolated it from the rest of the world.

Whereas Putin welcomed like emperors in Cairo just a couple of days ago.


One photo, 1000 words.

Break the glass in emergency.

What is happening in Bulgaria?

Volen Siderov, leader of the Bulgarian Attack party stated, that Bulgaria’s government must explain the content of a recent video showing car carriers transporting military UAZ 469 vehicles with Ukrainian flags on a Bulgarian highway.

Does Russia have a big surprise to the West?

An article by Mises Institute contributor Marcia Christoff-Kurapovna believes that now is the ideal time for Russia to introduce a gold-backed ruble.
Mises Institute contributor Marcia Christoff-Kurapovna believes that Russia may be in the process of planning for the introduction of a gold-based currency, and would be better off for it.
"Though a far-fetched idea at first glance, many factors suggest that remonetization in gold may be a logical next step for Moscow," Christoff-Kurapovna notes in an analytical article published Friday on the libertarian think tank's website.
More ominously, for the established order, a gold-standard-based ruble would "above all…mean the first major schism in the world's monetary order." If China follows Russia's lead, which Christoff-Kurapovna believes is likely, "it could mean the threat of a severe inflation in the United States should rafts of unwanted dollars make their way back across the Atlantic — the [Federal Reserve's] ultimate nightmare."


Freedom of expression only for Charlie Hebdo.

Nikolaev deputy arrested for saying: "Nikolaev is ready to welcome the Russian tanks"

The Security Service of Ukraine detained the Deputy of the Nikolaev Regional Council Nikolay Mashkin for "anti-Ukrainian statements," said the adviser to the head of Security Service of Ukraine, Markiyan Lubkivsky.

"I wish to inform you that in the framework of the fight against separatism and anti-constitutional and anti-state activities,  Security Service of Ukraine detained the citizen of Ukraine Nikolay Mashkin, born in 1960, a member of the Nikolaev Regional Council," - wrote Lubkivsky on his page in Facebook.

"The reason for the detention of Mashkin was his anti-Ukrainian statements in anti-Ukrainian media, in particular on the "readiness of Nikolaev to solemnly welcome the Russian tanks". There are plenty of videos and publications with Mashkin, I am not going to advertise it," - added Lubkivsky.

Brookings Wants More Villages Firebombed in Ukraine's 'Anti Terrorist Operation'

Brookings Institution has now issued a call to finance more firebombings, clusterbombings, and other support to the ethnic cleansing, which has been going on since Ukraine’s coup — the ethnic cleansing that’s occurring in the region of Ukraine’s southeast that’s called “Donbass”

Here for more

No need a comment.


Everybody does it. But what about the records?!?!

Mysterious booms in N. America.

Unexplained Loud Booms Are Escalating Across The USA in January 2015 And Nobody Knows Why!

Yesterday, mystery booms have been reported across the US from Texas to North Carolina, California to Indiana and Georgia, so literally all over the country. Freaky, isn’t it?

"It was this very loud boom that happened all of a sudden," Marjorie in Idaho, who asked that her last name be withheld, told RT. "My son and I went to look to see where it came from. It sounded like a door slamming very hard or something big falling down on the patio. But we couldn’t find anything. We watched the news later to see if anyone knew what it was, but no one did.”
“It was so loud the house shook. My kids ran in yelling, ‘what was that mommy?’” Tracy Walker, of Kennesaw County, Georgia, told WAGA.

Is it a secret new Russian weapon?


Putin ordered his armed forced to work on "some new weapon systems work on new physcal principals" two years ago. Actually everything started with N. Tesla. The genious could achieve to generate an artificial earthquake in New York in 1930s. Then both the USA and Soviet Union had continue to conduct some top secret work on advaced directed energy weapons during cold war. They could reach some achievements.

SOVIET DIRECTED ENERGY WEAPONS -- Perspectives on Strategic Defense En Judgements o The Soviet Union is believed to be interested in the development of directed energy weapons (lasers, parti￾cle beams, and microwaves) for ballistic missile defense and anti-satellite (ASAT) applications. o The Soviet Union has been engaged in research on the directed energy weapons technologies for as long as the United States. Soviet efforts are under the leadership of some of the finest scientific minds in the USSR. The resources the Soviets have applied to these efforts are believed to be greater than those which the United States has applied. o In directed energy technologies, the Soviets are in a comparable, or highly competitive position with respect to the United States. In laser technologies, there is an essential equivalence, though the Soviets are pur￾suing some types of lasers which the US has either abandoned or has ignored for weapons applications. In particle beam and microwave technologies, the Soviets may have the edge over the US in some important areas. o The Soviets are believed to have progressed beyond the stage of pure or basic laboratory research in directed energy technologies; the Soviets have begun to develop and test laser weapons. The Soviets already have a ground-based laser capable of damaging some US satellites and which may be used to investigate the feasibility of lasers for ballistic missile defense applications. o Hostile Soviet reactions to the US Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) and lobbying against the SDI by high￾level Soviet scientists must be tempered by the fact that the Soviet Union has not admitted to its own long￾standing counterpart research and the most vocal Soviet scientists have themselves been heavily involved in that weapons research.

The Soviet Union invested some effort in the development of ruby and carbon dioxide lasers as anti-ballistic missile systems, and later as a tracking and anti-satellite system. There are reports that the Terra-3 complex at Sary Shagan was used on several occasions to temporarily "blind" US spy satellites in the IR range.
It has been claimed[who?] that the USSR made use of the lasers at the Terra-3 site to target the Space Shuttle Challenger in 1984. At the time, the Soviet Union were concerned that the shuttle was being used as a reconnaissance platform. On 10 October 1984 (STS-41-G), the Terra-3 tracking laser was allegedly aimed at Challenger as it passed over the facility. Early reports claimed that this was responsible for causing "malfunctions on the space shuttle and distress to the crew." The United States filed a diplomatic protest about the incident.[42][43] However, this story is comprehensively denied by the crew members of STS-41-G and knowledgeable members of the US intelligence community.

Object 2014-28E – Space junk or Russian satellite killer?

It is a tale that could have come from the cold war. A mysterious object launched by the Russian military is being tracked by western space agencies, stoking fears over the revival of a defunct Kremlin project to destroy satellites.
For the past few weeks, amateur astronomers and satellite-trackers in Russia and the west have followed the unusual manoeuvres of Object 2014-28E, watching it guide itself towards other Russian space objects. The pattern appeared to culminate last weekend in a rendezvous with the remains of the rocket stage that launched it.
The object had originally been classed as space debris, propelled into orbit as part of a Russian rocket launch in May to add three Rodnik communications satellites to an existing military constellation. The US military is now tracking it under the Norad designation 39765.
Its purpose is unknown, and could be civilian: a project to hoover up space junk, for example. Or a vehicle to repair or refuel existing satellites. But interest has been piqued because Russia did not declare its launch – and by the object’s peculiar, and very active, precision movements across the skies.
Russia officially mothballed its anti-satellite weaponry programme – Istrebitel Sputnikov or satellite killer – after the fall of the iron curtain, though its expertise has not entirely disappeared. Indeed, military officials have publicly stated in the past that they would restart research in the event of a deterioration in relations with the US over anti-missile defence treaties. In 2010, Oleg Ostapenko, commander of Russia’s space forces, and now head of its space agency, said Russia was again developing “inspection” and “strike” satellites.
Moscow’s ministry of defence did not immediately respond to a request for comment.


Vladimir Zhirinovsky is Vice-Chairman of the Russian State Duma and leader of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia (LDPR), the first officially sanctioned opposition party after the fall of communism. The LDPR has deep links with the former KGB and Communist Party and has become a significant force in Russian politics, despite Zhirinovsky himself being branded as a militant neo-fascist.
According to a translation provided by a Russian speaker, during the interview Zhirinovsky went off on a bizarre tangent after he was asked how Russia should treat countries like Georgia and the United States who try and block Russia’s entry into the World Trade Organization.
Saying that the American government in Washington DC had “no future” and would “collapse,” Zhirinovsky cited Russia’s supremacy in space and stated that the country had, “Lots of money, resources, and new weapons that no one knows about.”
“With them we will destroy any part of the planet within 15 minutes,” he sensationally warned.
“Not an explosion, not a ray burst, not some kind of laser, not lightning, but a quiet and peaceful weapon,” added Zhirinovsky, warning that “whole continents will be put to sleep forever” and that “120 million will die” if anyone interfered with Russia’s claim on the Kuril Islands, which are the subject of a territorial dispute with Japan.
The female presenter of the news program smirked as he made the comments, but Zhirinovsky’s manner was far from jovial.

From the TIME 19  April 2012

The first mention of these mega-weapons came in February, when Vladimir Putin, Russia's perennial leader, published an article as part of what would be a successful campaign to win a third term as President. In the near future, he wrote, military strength will rely on a country's prowess in space and cyber warfare, but further down the line, weapons will emerge based on "new physical principles," such as "lasers, geophysics, waves, genetic engineering, psycho-physics and etc." Not only will they be at least as deadly as Russia's nukes, Putin wrote, but they will be "more acceptable in a political and military sense." That is supposed to be part of their appeal: unlike biological and chemical weapons, which are banned under international law, these would be well within bounds.

Putin Laughs Off Hilary Clinton's Threat To Russia

Or basically it was Americans tested their own such type of weapons caused those louds.


Putin is diffirent and better than all the other leaders.

Why he is loved so much in his country?

Because he is different, better and capable.

Not only Russia but every country needs such a president.

Western sanctions v.s. Russian technology and innovation.

The west increases the pressure on Russia and improves its sanctions. Well good news for Russia.

No doubt it will have an positive effect on scientific and technologically development in Russia like it happened with Iran. Iranian authorities say " we were America's best friend when Shah Pahlavi era and we could not make even a bicycle but now fortunatelly America has sanctions on our country and we can produce even space crafts."

It s time for Russia now to discover own potential at technology and industry.

Ultra modern new Russian tram.

Unique state of the art Russian hovercraft like drone with air cushion to take off and landing on any kind of surface like sand, snow and sea.

Russian robot soldier drives ATV and hits targets with Kalashnikov.

Is it a truck or locomotive?


Freedom of expression in hypocritical west?!?!

Head of US state media put RT on same challenge list as ISIS, Boko Haram

Newly-appointed chief of US Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG), Andrew Lack, has named RT one of the agency’s main challenges alongside extremist groups like the Islamic State and Boko Haram.

Lack, the first chief executive of the BBG, mentioned RT in an interview with The New York Times.

We are extremely outraged that the new head of the BBG mentions RT in the same breath as world’s number one terrorist army,” said Margarita Simonyan, RT’s editor-in-chief. “We see this as an international scandal and demand an explanation.

One more exqample

Rupert Murdoch has apologised for a "grotesque, offensive" cartoon printed in the Sunday Times that has led to complaints of anti-Semitism.

The cartoon, by Gerald Scarfe, appears to depict Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu building a brick wall containing the blood and limbs of Palestinians.

Scarfe reportedly regrets its publication on Holocaust Memorial Day.

Read more

Laws against Holocaust denial

Holocaust denial is explicitly or implicitly illegal in 16 countries: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary, Israel, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Switzerland, and Romania[171]—a country that denied the Holocaust occurred on its territory up until the Wiesel Commission in 2004.[172][173] The European Union's Framework decision on Racism and Xenophobia states that denying or grossly trivializing "crimes of genocide" should be made "punishable in all EU Member States".[174] Slovakia criminalized denial of fascist crimes in general in late 2001; in May 2005, the term "Holocaust" was explicitly adopted by the penal code and in 2009, it became illegal to deny any act regarded by an international criminal court as genocide. The Parliament of Hungary adopted the most recent legislation, which declared denial or trivialization of the Holocaust a crime punishable by up to three years imprisonment, in February 2010.[175]
Such legislation remains controversial. In October 2007, a tribunal declared Spain's Holocaust denial law unconstitutional.[176] In 2007 Italy rejected a denial law proposing a prison sentence of up to four years. In 2006 the Netherlands rejected a draft law proposing a maximum sentence of one year on denial of genocidal acts in general, although specifically denying the Holocaust remains a criminal offense there. The United Kingdom has twice rejected Holocaust denial laws. Denmark and Sweden have also rejected such legislation.[

Armenian Genocide denial

The first person convicted in a court of law for denying the Armenian genocide is Turkish politician Doğu Perinçek, found guilty of racial discrimination by a Swiss district court in Lausanne in March 2007. Perinçek appealed the verdict. After the court's decision, he said, "I defend my right to freedom of expression." "I have not denied genocide because there was no genocide," he argued. Ferai Tinç, a foreign affairs columnist with Turkey's Hürriyet newspaper, added, "we find these type of [penal] articles against freedom of opinion dangerous because we are struggling in our country to achieve freedom of thought."[132] In December 2007, the Swiss Federal Court confirmed the sentence given to Perinçek.[133]
In October, 2008 the Swiss court ruled that three Turks were guilty of racial discrimination after having claimed that the Armenian Genocide was an "international lie." The European representative of the Party of Turkish Workers, Ali Mercan, was sentenced to pay a fine of 4,500 Swiss francs ($3,900), two others were ordered to pay 3,600 Swiss francs.[134] In October 2010, the Swiss Federal Court confirmed the verdict.[135] In December, 2013 the European Court of Human Rights ruled that Switzerland violated the principle of freedom of expression. The court said that "Mr Perincek was making a speech of a historical, legal and political nature in a contradictory debate"[136]
In November 1993 American historian Bernard Lewis said in an interview that calling the massacres committed by the Turks in 1915 a genocide was just "the Armenian version of this history".[137] In a 1995 civil proceeding a French court censured his remarks as a denial of the Armenian Genocide and fined him one franc, as well as ordering the publication of the judgment at Lewis' cost in Le Monde.[138] The court ruled that while Lewis has the right to his views, they did damage to a third party and that "it is only by hiding elements which go against his thesis that the defendant was able to state that there was no 'serious proof' of the Armenian Genocide; consequently, he failed in his duties of objectivity and prudence by expressing himself without qualification on such a sensitive subject".[


Let us listen a Moslim statesman who fights with Jihadists for long time.

Chechen leader blasts Europe over double standards on terrorism

Why the presidents, kings and prime ministers have never led marches of protest against the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Afghans, Syrians, Egyptians, Libyans, Yemenis, and Iraqis? Why did they remain silent when terrorists exploded a bomb in the Chechen government HQ or when they blew up the Grozny stadium killing Chechen President Akhmad-Haji Kadyrov [Ramzan Kadyrov’s father] and his aides? Why did they not react to the raid on the school in Beslan and the hostage taking at Moscow’s Dubrovka Theater? Why keep silent when in December last year terrorists captured the House of Press and a school in Grozny, killing and injuring over 50 people?” Kadyrov writes in his latest address.