Unexplained Loud Booms Are Escalating Across The USA in January 2015 And Nobody Knows Why!
Yesterday, mystery booms have been reported across the US from Texas to North Carolina, California to Indiana and Georgia, so literally all over the country. Freaky, isn’t it?
"It was this very loud boom that happened all of a sudden," Marjorie in Idaho, who asked that her last name be withheld, told RT. "My son and I went to look to see where it came from. It sounded like a door slamming very hard or something big falling down on the patio. But we couldn’t find anything. We watched the news later to see if anyone knew what it was, but no one did.”
“It was so loud the house shook. My kids ran in yelling, ‘what was that mommy?’” Tracy Walker, of Kennesaw County, Georgia, told WAGA.
Is it a secret new Russian weapon?
Putin ordered his armed forced to work on "some new weapon systems work on new physcal principals" two years ago. Actually everything started with N. Tesla. The genious could achieve to generate an artificial earthquake in New York in 1930s. Then both the USA and Soviet Union had continue to conduct some top secret work on advaced directed energy weapons during cold war. They could reach some achievements.
SOVIET DIRECTED ENERGY WEAPONS -- Perspectives on Strategic Defense En Judgements o The Soviet Union is believed to be interested in the development of directed energy weapons (lasers, particle beams, and microwaves) for ballistic missile defense and anti-satellite (ASAT) applications. o The Soviet Union has been engaged in research on the directed energy weapons technologies for as long as the United States. Soviet efforts are under the leadership of some of the finest scientific minds in the USSR. The resources the Soviets have applied to these efforts are believed to be greater than those which the United States has applied. o In directed energy technologies, the Soviets are in a comparable, or highly competitive position with respect to the United States. In laser technologies, there is an essential equivalence, though the Soviets are pursuing some types of lasers which the US has either abandoned or has ignored for weapons applications. In particle beam and microwave technologies, the Soviets may have the edge over the US in some important areas. o The Soviets are believed to have progressed beyond the stage of pure or basic laboratory research in directed energy technologies; the Soviets have begun to develop and test laser weapons. The Soviets already have a ground-based laser capable of damaging some US satellites and which may be used to investigate the feasibility of lasers for ballistic missile defense applications. o Hostile Soviet reactions to the US Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) and lobbying against the SDI by highlevel Soviet scientists must be tempered by the fact that the Soviet Union has not admitted to its own longstanding counterpart research and the most vocal Soviet scientists have themselves been heavily involved in that weapons research.
The Soviet Union invested some effort in the development of ruby and carbon dioxide lasers as anti-ballistic missile systems, and later as a tracking and anti-satellite system. There are reports that the Terra-3 complex at Sary Shagan was used on several occasions to temporarily "blind" US spy satellites in the IR range.
It has been claimed[who?] that the USSR made use of the lasers at the Terra-3 site to target the Space Shuttle Challenger in 1984. At the time, the Soviet Union were concerned that the shuttle was being used as a reconnaissance platform. On 10 October 1984 (STS-41-G), the Terra-3 tracking laser was allegedly aimed at Challenger as it passed over the facility. Early reports claimed that this was responsible for causing "malfunctions on the space shuttle and distress to the crew." The United States filed a diplomatic protest about the incident.[42][43] However, this story is comprehensively denied by the crew members of STS-41-G and knowledgeable members of the US intelligence community.
Object 2014-28E – Space junk or Russian satellite killer?
It is a tale that could have come from the cold war. A mysterious object launched by the Russian military is being tracked by western space agencies, stoking fears over the revival of a defunct Kremlin project to destroy satellites.
For the past few weeks, amateur astronomers and satellite-trackers in Russia and the west have followed the unusual manoeuvres of Object 2014-28E, watching it guide itself towards other Russian space objects. The pattern appeared to culminate last weekend in a rendezvous with the remains of the rocket stage that launched it.
The object had originally been classed as space debris, propelled into orbit as part of a Russian rocket launch in May to add three Rodnik communications satellites to an existing military constellation. The US military is now tracking it under the Norad designation 39765.
Its purpose is unknown, and could be civilian: a project to hoover up space junk, for example. Or a vehicle to repair or refuel existing satellites. But interest has been piqued because Russia did not declare its launch – and by the object’s peculiar, and very active, precision movements across the skies.
Russia officially mothballed its anti-satellite weaponry programme – Istrebitel Sputnikov or satellite killer – after the fall of the iron curtain, though its expertise has not entirely disappeared. Indeed, military officials have publicly stated in the past that they would restart research in the event of a deterioration in relations with the US over anti-missile defence treaties. In 2010, Oleg Ostapenko, commander of Russia’s space forces, and now head of its space agency, said Russia was again developing “inspection” and “strike” satellites.
Moscow’s ministry of defence did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
Vladimir Zhirinovsky is Vice-Chairman of the Russian State Duma and leader of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia (LDPR), the first officially sanctioned opposition party after the fall of communism. The LDPR has deep links with the former KGB and Communist Party and has become a significant force in Russian politics, despite Zhirinovsky himself being branded as a militant neo-fascist.
According to a translation provided by a Russian speaker, during the interview Zhirinovsky went off on a bizarre tangent after he was asked how Russia should treat countries like Georgia and the United States who try and block Russia’s entry into the World Trade Organization.
Saying that the American government in Washington DC had “no future” and would “collapse,” Zhirinovsky cited Russia’s supremacy in space and stated that the country had, “Lots of money, resources, and new weapons that no one knows about.”
“With them we will destroy any part of the planet within 15 minutes,” he sensationally warned.
“Not an explosion, not a ray burst, not some kind of laser, not lightning, but a quiet and peaceful weapon,” added Zhirinovsky, warning that “whole continents will be put to sleep forever” and that “120 million will die” if anyone interfered with Russia’s claim on the Kuril Islands, which are the subject of a territorial dispute with Japan.
The female presenter of the news program smirked as he made the comments, but Zhirinovsky’s manner was far from jovial.
From the TIME 19 April 2012
The first mention of these mega-weapons came in February, when Vladimir Putin, Russia's perennial leader, published an article as part of what would be a successful campaign to win a third term as President. In the near future, he wrote, military strength will rely on a country's prowess in space and cyber warfare, but further down the line, weapons will emerge based on "new physical principles," such as "lasers, geophysics, waves, genetic engineering, psycho-physics and etc." Not only will they be at least as deadly as Russia's nukes, Putin wrote, but they will be "more acceptable in a political and military sense." That is supposed to be part of their appeal: unlike biological and chemical weapons, which are banned under international law, these would be well within bounds.
Putin Laughs Off Hilary Clinton's Threat To Russia
Or basically it was Americans tested their own such type of weapons caused those louds.
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