13:47 28/07/2012
MOSCOW, July 28 (RIA Novosti)
Servicemen may be evacuated from the Russian naval base in Tartus, Syria, if it comes under attack, Navy chief Vice Adm. Viktor Chirkov said on Saturday.http://www.en.rian.ru/mlitary_news/20120728/174823215.html
And this is a RIA Novosti news about Russian naval base in Tartus only one month ago.
ST. PETERSBURG, June 25 (RIA Novosti)
Russia has no plans to abandon its naval base in Tartus, Syria, Navy chief Vice Adm. Viktor Chirkov said on Monday.
“We need that base,” he said. “It will continue to operate as it has until now.”
Only 2 days ago the flotilla of Russian warships turned back to Black Sea just several hours after his announcement told journalists. “The joint fleet flotilla will not enter the port of Tartus,” “It is carrying out military drills in the Mediterranean.”
One more contradiction.
MOSCOW, July 27 (RIA Novosti)
Russia’s naval chief, Vice Admiral Viktor Chirkov, confirmed on Friday that Russia was in talks on obtaining naval bases in Cuba, Vietnam and in the Seychelles.
“We are indeed continuing work to ensure the stationing of Russian Navy forces outside the Russian Federation,” he said in an interview with RIA Novosti. “As part of this work at the international level, we are discussing issues related to the creation of [ship] maintenance stations in Cuba, in the Seychelles and in Vietnam.”
The Russian Navy saw that it badly needed foreign bases after 2008, when Russian warships joined international anti-piracy efforts in the Gulf of Aden. Russia has also discussed the possibility of using ports in Djibouti for its warships in the past.
And the next day.
MOSCOW, July 28 (RIA Novosti)
Russia has no plans to build a military base in Cuba, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Saturday.
Lavrov said that a Russian military base in Cuba was “out of question,” but ships of the Russian Navy, performing tasks all over the world, require support facilities to meet their basic needs.
Poor Adm. Viktor Chirkov looses his reliabilty because of these unstable and unreliable policies.
Viktor Chirkov
I had a post about the topic only 2 days ago.
In my opinion it does not show any weakness sign because those ships were not send for a naval war and it s very normal they turn back to their base now at the end of their tasks. But it s commented like Russians could not dare to conduct any military act to protect their interests in Syrian crises by many people in Turkey. Even there are such reader comments in newspaper web sites.
Read the full text here
Frankly let me say, I love Russia very much. Russia in the UNSC or any other important role in world security and politics is a fuse of humankind and definitely necessary. But I have to confess that it sounds impossible a state is far from even an ability to protect it's the only one foreign territory naval base to be one of the leading actors in world policy. I mean is there anybody considers if any of American bases in foreign countries was under threat or under attack, they would afriad and escape? We all are sure they would stay and defend it effectively. How can it be expected to take part in creating the future of humankind for example in the UNSC from such a weak country even can not protect it's military facilities? I am very upset with the circumstance Russia is in but it s not a barrier to see the naked truth and to make a honest comment. I make FAIR AND RATIONAL comments and judgements even about myself and try to be honest. I consider not only Russians but also we all -as the publics of the world have a vision and desire for a really independant and free world- are responsible on the problem, by not to give a chance to Russia to be an optimal alternative like Soviet Union was by an unsufficent support.
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